Click below to learn about our fee structures.

We are currently only accepting membership-based concierge clients at this time (please contact us for further details on pricing). Aside from the initial consultation, the following pricing is applicable only for active members of our concierge service. Sliding payment scale is also available upon request. Pricing for diagnostic tests, injections, medications, fluids, herbs, supplements, and other services available on request.


Travel fees account for time spent driving (traffic, looking for parking), gas, car expenses, and are based on where you live, and Dr. Harrison’s travel time to get to you:

    • < 5 miles from Dr. Harrison’s home base in Sherman Oaks: $25
    • 5-9 mi from Sherman Oaks = $36
    • 10-14 mi from Sherman Oaks= $56
    • >15 mi: please contact us for fee and availability


Dr. Harrison typically spends 1.5 – 2 hours at the first visit getting to know you and your pet.

Our first house call includes:

  • An Exam
  • Review of medical records, lab work, x-rays, specialist reports
  • Complete evaluation: Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine
  • Discussion of recommendations, treatment plan, unlimited Q&A
  • Acupuncture mini session (if desired)
  • Healthy treats for your pet

To book an initial consultation online, please go to our online scheduler!

$275 +/- travel fee

  • For current patients only: Recheck exams, wellness/preventative medicine exam, minor illness consult, acupuncture sessions.
  • Includes consultation on up to 2-3 non-urgent medical problems
  • 30-60 minute visit, depending on the condition.

To book a house call online, please go to our online scheduler!

Additional pets in the household that are examined, consulted on, or treated are $100 per pet and typically add 30-60 minutes to the appointment length and/or Dr. Harrison’s administrative time following the appointment.

(Not currently available)

    • We offer special customized packages for your companion.
    • Acupuncture provides it’s greatest benefit when used as a long term modality so packages will save you a significant amount of money in the long run.


    Available after initial consultation only. To schedule or request a quote, please contact us.

Minimum of $95 per 30 minutes

(If more time is required, billing is done in 10 minute increments at the same rate).

Here are some ways your pet may benefit from a telemedicine consult:

  • Rechecks of conditions that only require a visual exam of your pet to assess.
  • You & your pet have worked with Dr. Harrison within the year and would like to continue to consult with Dr. Harrison, but you no longer live in Los Angeles.
  • You want to know Dr. Harrison’s professional opinion about something your read online, but you don’t want to schedule a house call.
  • Your pet is sick and you feel you would benefit from ongoing support & communication in between house call visits.
  • Your pet has a chronic condition that requires periodic check-ins with Dr. Harrison between house call visits.

These services are meant to be mutually beneficial for both parties; Dr. Harrison can provide you with the sustainable compassionate support & communication that you & your pet need in between house call visits, while also being compensated for the time spent helping you with your pet’s care.

*Telemedicine services are meant to be educational and informative. These are in no way a substitute for a veterinary visit. Dr Harrison can provide general information using telemedicine, but can not diagnose or prescribe medications without having performed an in-person examination for your pet within 12 months or evaluating a new condition.

*For more information, please see our Telemedicine Services page!

  • Customized service/pricing available on request. Currently we are accepting subscription-based concierge clients only.