Herbal Medicine
Western herbal and traditional Chinese herbal medicine may be recommended depending on the condition. Although not required, herbal medication can enhance the effects of acupuncture treatment and extend the amount of the time needed between acupuncture treatments. In most cases, herbal medications are taken for a relatively short period of time (1-3 months) and then the patient is reassessed.
Herbal formulas for animals come in different forms, including liquid, powder, capsules, and tea pills. For cats and picky dogs, it can be helpful to keep herbal medication in the freezer (to reduce the flavor) or mix herbal medication into something tasty such as baby food, or a mixture of manuka honey and bone broth.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us using the form below.
Western herbal and traditional Chinese herbal medicine may be recommended depending on the condition. Although not required, herbal medication can enhance the effects of acupuncture treatment and extend the amount of the time needed between acupuncture treatments. In most cases, herbal medications are taken for a relatively short period of time (1-3 months) and then the patient is reassessed.
Herbal formulas for animals come in different forms, including liquid, powder, capsules, and tea pills. For cats and picky dogs, it can be helpful to keep herbal medication in the freezer (to reduce the flavor) or mix herbal medication into something tasty such as baby food, or a mixture of manuka honey and bone broth.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us using the form below.
"Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what's missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we're here."
Trisha McCagh